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MLB games streaming on Facebook are down to 6 this season

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From 25 games exclusively aired on Facebook last year, this year only six Major League Baseball games will be streamed on Facebook Watch. It’ll be available in the US (except for regions where the games air on local stations) and several international markets. With this new one-year deal, Facebook and MLB haven’t said which games will be streamed, but these will be a one per month affair. They also promised there will still be recaps of every game and weekly recaps for each team. The MLB network will also produce dedicated Watch broadcasts that offer “interactive and social elements.”

"We look forward to testing a new model for live games, which should help the league continue to reach a younger and more global audience," Rob Shaw, Facebook's sports partnerships lead for leagues and media, told Morning Consult. According to Facebook, the games streamed on the service reaches an average viewership that’s almost 20 years younger than the usual MLB TV audience.

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