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6 Important Facts That You Should Know About Porcelain Veneer

Your teeth could use some work and the dentist has the ideal solution. A set of North York porcelain veneers would help reshape your teeth, reinforce any teeth damaged with cracks or chips, and in general improve your smile. Before you proceed with the dental work, there are a few things you should know about the procedure and what to expect afterwards.

Some Tooth Reduction is Necessary

As the dentist will explain, a small amount of tooth reduction is necessary. This helps to ensure that the veneers will adhere to the teeth properly. Keep in mind that the reduction is not something that can be reversed. The reduction is relatively simple and is considered a routine process at all North York Smile Centre dental clinics.

Your Custom Veneers are Designed in Advance

Before the North York porcelain veneers can be installed, the dental team will have you come in for some preliminary work. That involves taking casts of your teeth along with digital images. The goal is to create a set of veneers that are the ideal size and shape. About a week after you have this preliminary visit, your custom veneers will be ready. At that point, you can schedule the date to receive them.

There May Be Some Sensitivity At First

If you have some sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages at first, don’t be concerned. As the team at any of the North York Smile Centre dental clinics will attest, some degree of sensitivity is not unusual. Many patients find that it fades after a few days. This is part of the natural healing process after undergoing a tooth reduction and will not be an ongoing problem.

The Veneers Work With Any Diet

Once the veneers are in place, it’s possible to eat just about anything you want. Depending on what sort of dental issues led to your dentist recommending the veneers, you may be able to enjoy a wider range of foods than you did before. Those veneers are almost as durable as natural teeth, so feel free to bite and chew to your heart’s content.

But There Are Some Things You Shouldn’t Do

Remember all the things that your dentist told you to not do with your teeth? All of those still apply once you receive North York porcelain veneers. Don’t attempt to use your teeth as nut crackers or chew on the bones that happen to be found inside your meat entree. The veneers do not mean that you have a built-in bottle opener. You also want to avoid biting directly into something like a candy apple and never consider chewing on ice. If you weren’t supposed to do it with your teeth before, it’s still off limits now that you have veneers.

Porcelain Veneers Can Last Up to Three Decades

The life of your veneers depends a great deal on how well you take care of your teeth moving forward. Assuming that you do everything the dentist recommends, it’s possible for that set of porcelain veneers to last as long as three decades. Even if you are not as diligent, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t expect to get at least a decade of use from that first set.

How long can you expect the veneers to last? The team at any of the North York Smile Centre dental clinics can provide a more precise estimate based on the condition of your teeth at the time you receive the first set of veneers. That estimate may be adjusted during subsequent dental visits based on how well you are doing with your dental hygiene and what sort of additional dental issues arise.

Many people find that they are happy with the results after they get used to their new dental veneers. You’ll love the way they enhance your smile as well as the way they correct a number of dental issues. Listen closely to what the dental team has to say about caring for your teeth and the veneers in particular, and there’s no reason why you won’t enjoy all the benefits for many years to come.

North York Smile Centre

5 Park Home Ave #130

North York


M2N 6L4







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