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National Geographic and the Oculus Quest get ready to bring you on an Antarctic adventure

Not all of us will be able to go to the Antarctic in our lifetimes, but you can do so virtually. National Geographic is all set to launch a 30-minute Antarctic adventure experience for the Oculus Quest. Coming out this spring, the experience will be coming to the National Geographic Explore VR app. You will be tasked to find a lost penguin colony in the Antarctic. It’ll start off as a kayak ride through frigid water, and then you need to climb up an ice sheet to look for the missing birds. You’ll be able to set up camp and experience what it’s like trying to survive in that kind of tough environment with the use of Oculus Touch controllers. This is the first of many other adventures coming to the app. The National Geographic Partners Immersive Experiences team has been working with Oculus and VR/AR studio Force Field on Explore VR for the past nine months.

Source: Engadget

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