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Facebook tests out a feature that’ll let you mute notification dots

Matt Navarra/Twitter

Facebook’s notification system on mobile is broken, to say the least. You get duplicated or delayed notifications sometimes. Add to that the in-app indicators (those eye-catching red dots) that always seem to be calling for your attention. It seems Facebook has finally listened to its users and is testing out a feature that will let you disable in-app Notification Dots for category tabs. These include Groups, Marketplace, Profile, and Menu. As expected, the main Notifications tab won’t be disabled, since this is the main tab you’re getting all your notifications from.

First spotted by Android app reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong, the social network confirmed it started testing out the feature for a subset of iOS and Android users. Facebook’s well-being team spearheaded the release of this feature because they wanted users to spend their time more rationally on the app. If you want to check if you have it, you can head to Menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications > Notification Dots. You can toggle the dots for each group separately.

Source: XDA Developers

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