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Publishers reportedly concerned over revenue it’s gained from Apple News+

Apple News+ seems to be off to a rocky start and the publishers have started to notice. According to a report from Business Insider, multiple publishers have expressed their concern about the early numbers and revenue they’re getting and how it isn’t living up to what Apple promised. The subscription revenue they’ve gotten from the service was reportedly underwhelming, based on the first two months of data after the trial ended. According to the report, one publishing executive said Apple projected publishers would get 10 times the revenue they made from Texture at the end of the first year of Apple News+. But it’s “one-twentieth of what they said” and “it isn’t coming true.” And that the subscription revenue right now is lower or on par with what they got from Texture, which is a small subscription driver to begin with.

Another issue is that the layout and magazine structure doesn’t seem to be conducive for news and that users are getting confused over the free stories and the new paid content. Apple is said to be taking on the feedback from its publishers and will use this moving forward. There isn’t any concrete plan yet, but Apple certainly has its work cut out for it.

Source: iMore

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