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Custom PS5 coloured plates are being sold online

Source: PlateStation

The Sony PlayStation 5 isn't here yet, but there are already customization options being sold online. A company called PlateStation is offering third-party coloured plates to give Sony's next-gen console new skin. However, the company isn't associated with Sony or the PlayStation brand in any way.

If you're still intrigued, though, PlateStation offers colours in chromatic silver, black, cherry red, jungle camo, and blue. Engadget speculates you'll need to pop-off the white covers like in this teardown video and then install PlateStation's covers. PlateStation offers free worldwide shipping for the faceplates, which cost US$39.99 (around CA$53). 

Of course, we have to mention that the danger of using unauthorized accessories like these is you might void the warranty on your console. If you're confident with your ability to take apart and put machines back together and you want to give your new PS5 a different look, you might want to check these out.

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