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A 'Super Mario Bros. 3' copy became most expensive game sold at US$156,000

It seems one Super Mario fan or collector was so keen to get a copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 that they were willing to pay a lot of money for it. A rare copy of the game was bought at an auction for US$156,000 (around CA$203,260). It is now the most expensive sealed copy of a game ever sold, with a starting bid of US$62,500 (CA$81,428) that had 20 bidders trying to get their hands on it. It beat out another Super Mario Bros. copy, which a bidder got in July for US$114,000 (CA$148,525).

This copy of the game is one of the earliest releases as it has a rare box design. The word "Bros." is seen on the left instead of the more commonly known right placement, with it covering a bit of Mario's glove. The copy was also in excellent condition with a Wata 9.2 A+ rating for the box's quality and seal. Heritage Auctions sold a Wata 9.0 A-rated copy of the same game in July for US$38,400 (CA$50,029). 

Source: Engadget

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