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'Sackboy: A Big Adventure' won't include online multiplayer when it launches

Sumo Digital has announced that it would be delaying the complete online multiplayer function of Sackboy: A Big Adventure, which is one of the key games launching for the PlayStation 5.

Ned Waterhouse, design director at developer Sumo Digital, wrote in a blog post. "The team have been working hard to ensure that online is the very best experience it can be for players and we just need a little more time to get it right so you can enjoy it to the fullest with your friends and family."

The developer plans to roll out a patch before the year ends to enable this feature. The patch will also allow cross-play support between the PS5 and PS4. Those who have the PS4 version can transfer their save to the PS5 after the patch arrives.

The game will still have offline couch co-op for up to for players. It will be launching alongside the PS5 this November 12.

Source: Engadget

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