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Disney+ will get a $3 price increase in Canada this Feb. 2021

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While Canada is finally getting the international version of Hulu, it comes at a cost. Disney will be raising the price of the Disney+ streaming service next year by $3. Starting February 23, 2021, this new pricing will take effect, alongside the launch of Star. This price change means the monthly subscription fee for Disney+ will be $11.99 instead of $8.99. Disney reasons that it won't charge for this additional service, but, of course, the price increase already seems like it's compensating for the addition.

Don't confuse Star for Starz, which is a brand licensed by Bell Media in Canada. Star or the international version of Hulu is expected to get 35 first-run series that will premiere within a year of its launch date. However, Disney didn't specify what titles these will be, nor did they mention what titles from their existing catalogue will come to Star in Canada.

Source: CBC

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