'Justice League' Snyder Cut to come to HBO Max in 2021

The four-hour-long Zack Synder version of the Justice League is finally coming. The director made the announcement during the DC FanDome virtual convention on Saturday. It'll be released on HBO Max in 2021 in four, one-hour segments and an option to watch the entire film in full. For those without access to the streaming service, Snyder said a "distribution plan" to release the movie outside of HBO Max is in the works.
You can see the full three-minute trailer above, which the film fans have been clamouring for since the theatrical version came out in November 2017. Fans felt the movie compromised the director's original vision for it. He had to step away from the project in May 2017 due to a family tragedy. Joss Whedon took over directing duties from him. It already sets a darker, more sombre tone than the theatrical version and a look at apex villain Darkseid who didn't make the theatrical cut.
Source: Variety
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