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Disney+ tries out new VOD model for 'Mulan'


Disney is using the perceived popularity of its upcoming live-action remake of Mulan to try a new strategy for Disney+. The company has thrown in the towel of attempting to secure a theatrical release of the film in the US. What the company plans to do now is offer the movie there and anywhere else Disney+ is available, starting on September 4. The caveat is that Disney will be asking viewers to shell out an additional US$29.99 (around CA$40) to watch the film.

It will still show the movie in theatres in markets where theatres are open. But for those where it isn't safe to open cinemas yet, this is supposedly a one-off approach to bring the blockbuster to viewers. It will also be useful to attract subscribers to its streaming service, which can help Disney earn back what it spent to make the film. And if all goes well, we wouldn't be surprised if Disney tries this model with other big movies, too.

Source: IndieWire

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