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'Apple One' subscription bundle spotted in Apple Music for Android beta app

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Last month, we reported on Apple's rumoured plans to bundle its services into a single subscription. Now, we're getting more clues that confirm this rumour. 9to5Google discovers code in the beta version (version 3.4.0) of the Apple Music app on Android that mentions the name Apple One alongside an internal codename "aristotle," which confirms that Apple Music will be part of the bundle. And that the company has decided to stick with the Apple One name. 

Apple clarifies that the Apple One subscription and existing Apple Music subscriptions will not overlap to avoid paying double for the same service. In the code, you can see that you can only manage and renew an Apple One subscription using an iOS, macOS, or tvOS device. Other than that, there aren't any more details spotted within Apple Music. With its appearance inside an Apple app, we can assume we might hear more about these bundles during next week's "Time Flies" event.

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