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Nintendo shutters Toronto, Redwood City offices

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A couple of Nintendo's satellite offices in North America are going to be closed. The company confirmed it would be shutting down small satellite offices in Toronto and Redwood City in California, but it didn't elaborate on why it was closing the offices. According to Kotaku100 employees in Redwood City have been displaced by this move, but Nintendo won't comment on how many employees are affected. Based on the statement below, it looks like some employees will need to relocate.

Here is the company's complete statement:

Nintendo of America headquarters are in Redmond, WA, and Vancouver, BC. We are moving more of our employees and operations into those headquarters and will be closing small satellite offices in Toronto, ON, and Redwood City, CA, over time.

Devon Pritchard, Executive Vice President, Business Affairs and Publisher Relations for Nintendo of America (NOA), will assume interim leadership of Sales, Marketing and Communications following the departure of Nick Chavez. Ms. Pritchard will oversee strategy and execution of sales, marketing and communications across the U.S. and Canada. 

Source: The Verge 

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