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TikTok content moderator sues platform over trauma caused by graphic videos

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

A TikTok content moderator sues the platform and its parent company ByteDance over mental trauma caused by graphic videos she's screened for the app. In a proposed class-action lawsuit, moderator Candie Frazier cites she's screened videos showing violence, fatal falls, school shootings, and even cannibalism. "Plaintiff has trouble sleeping and when she does sleep, she has horrific nightmares," the lawsuit states.

Adding on to this issue, TikTok allegedly requires its moderators to work 12-hour shifts with only an hour lunch break and two 15-minute breaks. According to the complaint, the moderators were only permitted to screen videos for no more than 25 seconds, and they had to view three to 10 videos simultaneously. 

TikTok, together with social media platforms and sites like Facebook and YouTube, developed guidelines to help moderators cope with traumatic images they have to moderate. And among the suggestions was that companies should limit moderator shifts to four hours and offer psychological support. But the lawsuit claims TikTok failed to implement those guidelines.

Frazier hopes to represent other TikTok screeners in a class-action lawsuit. She is asking for compensation for psychological injuries and a court order for a medical fund for moderators.

Source: Engadget

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