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LG Display shows off transparent OLED Shelf to display/augment artworks

Source: LG Display

LG Display, an independent sister company to LG Electronics, has more prototypes to showcase at CES 2022. The standout concept is called the OLED Shelf, a stack of two 55-inch transparent OLED screens and topped by a shelf. The prototype is designed for ideas like displaying artwork at the top, with the description taking up the bottom half. When turned off, you can see the objects behind the screen (like actual paintings). It also comes with a sheet of opaque material that rolls down like a shade, so the transparent display is more like your typical OLED. 

A couple of other displays are more for commercial use. The Shopping Managing Showcase allows you to place this display in front of actual products and add effects like VFX smoke to highlight the product. 

Source: LG Display

On the other hand, the Show Window can display decal-like graphics in front of clothes or other products to make these more attractive. According to LG Display, there are versions of this concept used at a fashion store in Seoul and the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

LG Display already showed off a couple of curved OLED concepts earlier.

Source: Engadget

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