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Twitter is thinking about adding emoji reactions to tweets

Photo by Daddy Mohlala on Unsplash

Direct messages on Twitter already offer emoji reactions, but it looks like the social network is considering adding this feature to tweets. The company has been sending out surveys to a few users asking them about their opinions on adding a new reaction system to Twitter. The approach is similar to what you can do on Facebook posts.

In the survey, Twitter shows mockups of the system and asks users what they would prefer. The reactions included are Like, Funny, Interesting, Sad, Awesome, Support, and Angry. The Awesome and Support responses have the option of either a surprised face or fire emoji for the former and the hugging emoji or raised hands for the latter.

The company also wanted to get feedback on disliking tweets. In one of the survey questions, they asked how a user will react to receiving a downvote or dislike. 9to5Mac pointed out that one of the answers listed said: "I may hesitate to Tweet in the future for fear of receiving negative reactions."

There's no guarantee that Twitter will bring these features to the platform. But if they did, would you use it?

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