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Moog Sound Studio offers you a complete synthesizer studio experience at home


Maybe you aspire to create electronic music, but you are uncertain about where to start. Moog Sound Studio is making it easier for you. It comes with all the equipment, cables, accessories, and educational tools needed to enter the world of analog synthesis for the first time or continue to explore sound in an immersive new way. 

You get two semi-modular synthesizers, a mixer, a two-tier rack mount kit, patch cables and organizer, educational materials/patch examples, games, custom artwork, and plenty of inspiration to satisfy all levels of talent and creativity. It's now available at authorized Moog dealers worldwide

Moog has even released a new seven-song EP to demonstrate what you can do with the Sound Studio. Explorations in Analog Synthesis is available to stream for free or purchase by donation on Moog's Bandcamp. All proceeds will go to charity.

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