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Twitter is reportedly testing 'Undo Send' option

Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

While it's still not an edit button, Twitter is supposedly testing a new Undo Send option for tweets. That feature is reminiscent of the Undo Send option on Gmail. App researcher Jane Manchun Wong shared on Twitter a first look for the feature, which has a timer that lets you take back any hot takes or questionable or erroneous comments you're about to make on the social network. It gives you around five seconds to retract a sent tweet.

The idea of an undo send option first appeared in a Twitter survey released in July, which was looking for feedback on the service's push to introduce subscriptions. It's not clear if this feature will be available to all users. And like other tests, it might not even get a wide release. We're definitely going to keep our eyes out for it.


Source: Engadget

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