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Babbel now has live virtual classes in Canada

Source: Babbel

Language-learning app Babbel is bringing your lessons online through a new "innovative and engaging" way to learn. Babbel Live offers group sessions that are conversation-driven. You can pick your preferred class based on your level, schedule, and desired teacher. You can subscribe to Babbel Live on its own or add it to your existing subscription. The classes are related to existing content on the service so that you can continue in-app sessions beyond your lessons.

Babbel Live is available for English speakers learning Spanish and German and French speakers learning Spanish, German, French, and Italian. For 5 classes / month, you'll spend $125 or $25 per class; 10 classes per month cost $220 ($22/class); and 20 classes per month goes for $370 ($18.50/class).

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