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Segway launches a robot lawnmower


Segway launches its first robot lawnmower, and it doesn't require a boundary wire. The Navimow uses GPS to stay on your lawn and only trim the grass you need it to trim.

According to the company, the robot mower uses Exact Fusion Locating System to keep its "precise positions and systematic mowing patterns." It can hold its position accurately to within two centimetres. If the GPS signal is temporarily weak, the Navimow has sensors that can help it keep moving and mowing.

You will define its boundaries and give directions on what areas to avoid using a smartphone app. According to Segway, Navimow's algorithm "determines a systemic mowing path" so it won't criss-cross already-mowed areas.

Source: Segway

The Navimow can handle lawn inclines up to 45 degrees, and it runs at 54dB. It has offset blades that can cut as close as possible on a lawn's edges. And with Blade Halt technology, it can detect things in the grass like toys, pets, or kids and stop the blades from spinning.

The Navimow is designed to "withstand rainfall, heavy splashing, and high-pressure water jets," but its rain sensor will guide it back to its charging station if it detects rain.

There are four models available for different lawn sizes it can mow. The Navimow H500E can handle up to 500 square metres (around 5,400 square feet in area) and costs €1,199 (around CA$1,785); The H800 can handle up to 800 square metres (8,600 square feet) and retails €1,499 (CA$2,230); the H1500E covers up to 1,500 square metres (16,145 square feet) and is priced at €1,999 (CA$2,975); and the H3000E can mow lawns up to 3,000 square metres (33,000 square feet) for €2,499 (CA$3,720).

Source: The Verge

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