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You can kick off Netflix moochers to their own account

Source: Netflix

Broke up with an ex and don't want to share Netflix accounts anymore? While you can probably just kick them out and change the password, Netflix is introducing a new Profile Transfer feature that lets them keep their recommendations, watch history, saved titles, and more. This feature is rolling out to all users and will be enabled automatically, except for in South Korea and the US where you'll need to activate it from your settings yourself.

You'll get an email when the feature is available to your account. You can then access it through the drop-down menu on the right side of the profile icons. You can't transfer a profile to an existing account, though. This account needs to be attached to a new one. While Netflix is framing this as a solution for exes or when you move away from home, it does give the company the means to charge password sharers an extra fee, which we just wrote an update about.


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