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Tech Gift Ideas for the Holidays That Students Will Love

When you’re a college or university student, stretching your budget is the name of the game. Students are worrying about tuition, rent, textbooks, and groceries, all while they’re relying on student loans and part-time work.

With the holidays around the corner, one of the best gifts you can give them is technology that they’re unlikely to be able to afford on their own.

Gifts like laptops and smartphones are essentials for students these days. These gift ideas will make their lives easier, give them more breathing room in their budget for essentials, or give them some much-needed ways to relax and unwind.

New and Used MacBooks

Students depend on having a good, working laptop to get their work done. MacBooks are among the most popular laptop options for students. There are several reasons they stand head and shoulders above other leading PCs:


  • ·       MacBooks get more frequent software updates, bug fixes, and patches that keep them functioning and capable over time.
  • ·       MacBook Airs are lightweight and very portable, which is perfect for students hauling around textbooks on top of their laptops all day.
  • ·       MacBooks are part of the Apple ecosystem and fit seamlessly with iPhones and iPads, cutting down on tech headaches.


The downside is that MacBooks tend to be more expensive. If the price is a concern, you may want to look for a used or refurbished MacBook for sale. The extended life expectancy of a Mac can make this a safer purchase than other used laptops.

Previous-Generation Smartphones

A cracked screen or a water-logged smartphone can be devastating for students with minimal funds to replace their phones. These days, smartphones have become more of a necessity than a luxury. They’re not just used for social media; they’re essential for getting around, staying connected with their peers, contributing to group projects, and, yes, music and entertainment.

A previous-generation smartphone is the best way to save money on this gift, as new-release flagship phones these days can cost $1,000 and more. At those prices, you could get a brand-new laptop.

When you’re looking at previous-generation smartphones, make sure the one you choose has enough storage for today’s apps and the number of photos and videos the recipient is likely to take. Camera quality is also essential these days, but the most important quality to check might be battery performance. Students lead busy lives, and they can’t always be close to an outlet, so they need a phone that can at least last the day.

Quality Headphones

Students often have to make do getting work done in awkward or busy places, especially between classes. It can be tough to focus in a busy library, café, or university building. Even at home, the noise from roommates can be distracting.

Quality headphones can help them block out the noise and focus on their work. Wireless earbuds are also popular, but old-fashioned headphones are still the best at blocking out external noise.

Students don’t have much room in their budgets for new electronics, even when they’re essential. Lend a helping hand this holiday season and make sure they’re well-equipped for the next semester.


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