Twitter reverses decision to introduce tabbed timeline

People weren't happy with Twitter experimenting with an algorithmically-generated feed. The company planned to introduce a new tabbed interface that switches between the algorithmically-generated Home feed and the reverse-chronological Latest feed. Twitter rolled out this feature as a default for iOS users first, with plans to bring it to Android and the web after. But those who got the feature complained about how it defaulted to the Home feed every time they opened the app.
Twitter said, "We heard you." And it decided to roll back the feature as the company "explore(s) other options." As Engadget pointed out, it seems many people online don't take too kindly to tech companies messing with the chronological feed. It somehow makes even more sense on Twitter, given it's a platform where many users get first-hand accounts and information on breaking news. So, an algorithm-based feed would make it challenging to access real-time information or reports.

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