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Nintendo Switch Online app makes it easier to use the friend code feature

Source: Nintendo

Nintendo has just revamped its Switch Online mobile app for iOS and Android. Version 2.0 brings a new look and minor quality-of-life update improvements. One of them is making it easier to find and share your friend code. The 12-digit identifier is the primary way to add friends on Nintendo's online service. You needed to manually copy the code from your Switch console before sharing it. Now, you can easily copy it from the app with one tap. As The Verge noted, though, your friend will still need to manually type out the digits on their console. So, there's still room for improvement there.

Other new features include seeing which of your friends are online and letting you "change your online-status settings." The Nintendo Switch Online app is designed to work with the console. It has features like online voice chat, which isn't available on the console itself.

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