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Amazon finally adds epub support to the Kindle

Photo by Rishikesh Sreehari on Unsplash

It's taken so long (like 15 years), but Amazon's Kindle will finally support the widely-used epub format on its e-reader by the end of the year. It will allow the Send to Kindle function to convert epub files into a file format that can be opened on the Kindle. This news will be widely welcomed by Kindle users who have had to grapple with manually converting their ebook library just so it can work on a Kindle device.

This update means that Kindle will lose support for the MOBI format. This older French file format served as Amazon's proprietary ebook format, which it got when it acquired Mobipocket in 2005. The company then rebranded that to AZW. Those old files will still be accessible on your Kindle, but there won't be any new ebooks in that format.


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