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Apple reveals charging details about the new dual USB-C power adapters

Source: Apple

Apple shares more information on its new 35-watt dual USB-C power adapters, giving us information on how power is split when devices are connected to both ports. 

The 35 watts are split evenly between the connected devices in most scenarios. The exception is when one device has relatively low power requirements.

These are the different instances:

  • If you connect a Mac notebook and an iPhone or iPad, each device receives up to 17.5W.
  • If you connect an ‌iPhone‌ and an ‌iPad‌, each device receives up to 17.5W.
  • If you connect a Mac notebook or ‌iPhone‌ and an Apple Watch or AirPods, the Mac notebook or ‌iPhone‌ receives up to 27.5W, and the Apple Watch or AirPods receive up to 7.5W.

You can get your hands on the standard or compact version for $79


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