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Nintendo doesn't plan to increase the Switch's price

Source: Nintendo

While Sony has increased the price of the PlayStation 5 in some markets (including ours), Nintendo doesn't want to follow suit. The company released a statement to Eurogamer saying it had "no plans to increase the trade price of its hardware." This was the same sentiment company president Shuntaro Furukawa shared with shareholders in June.

The full statement read:

“As our president Mr Furukawa stated at the 82nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in June:

‘While we cannot comment on pricing strategies, we currently do not have any plans to change the price of our hardware due to inflation or increased procurement costs in each country. We will determine our future pricing strategies through careful and continued deliberations.'

"While the final price to consumers is always determined by retailers, as Mr Furukawa stated, Nintendo has no plans to increase the trade price of its hardware."


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