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Redmi introduces 300W fast-charging tech

Screenshot: Redmi

If you thought your phone was charging fast enough, Xiaomi subsidiary Redmi pushes the envelope of fast-charging technology further with 300W support. It comes just four months since the brand surpassed the 200W threshold. With charging speeds like these, your phone can go from 0% to 100% in under five minutes. In the video from the company, the brand used a modified Redmi Note 12 Discovery with a 4,100mAh battery in a controlled environment. 

It took roughly two minutes and 11 seconds to reach 50%, and shy five minutes, it reached 100%. As GSMArena pointed out though, the test only reached 290W for around three seconds. But of course, 300W is the theoretical maximum, and the device will still cap it out for safety reasons. The adapter itself comes with Double GaN technology with "more than 50 safety protections" while maintaining a small size.

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