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Blizzard announces Hardcore mode contest for 'Diablo IV'

Image: Blizzard

Diablo IV’s Hardcore mode challenges players to reach level 100 without dying—and rewards the first 1,000 who do it with a place on a statue of Lillith. Blizzard announced the contest in a tweet, saying: “Think you can cheat death? Reach level 100 on hardcore mode and tweet #Diablo4Hardcore with proof to have your username immortalized on a statue of Lilith.”

Hardcore mode is the ultimate test of skill in Diablo—one death means losing your character forever. But if you can survive the horrors of Diablo IV and reach the level cap, you can earn a permanent spot on the statue of the game’s main villain.

To enter the contest, you must tweet a photo or video of your achievement to the official Diablo account with #Diablo4Hardcore and your Battle.net BattleTag. You also need to have the Tempered Champion title, which is given automatically when you hit level 100 in hardcore mode.

The contest starts on June 1 with Diablo V early access and ends when 1,000 names are collected or by September 1 if not enough players make it.


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