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Grab 'Dungeon of the Endless' for Free on Steam and prep for 'Endless Dungeon'

Screenshot: Amplitude Studios, Sega

Sega and Amplitude Studios are offering Dungeon of the Endless for free on Steam until July 27. This offer comes out before Endless Dungeon debuts on October 19. You can also grab both DLC packs for free, but they are limited in supply. The game is a mix of roguelikes, classic RPGs, squad tactics, and tower defence, where you have to defend your spaceship from enemies in a random dungeon.

Endless Dungeon is still a hybrid game, but it's also a twin-stick shooter with a "roguelite" progression and a multiplayer mode. You can play with two friends or solo. The game will be available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. If you pre-order the Last Wish Edition, you can join the closed beta in September.


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