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Razer Axon Create: A generative AI platform for wallpapers


Razer Axon is a platform that offers high-resolution wallpapers with Razer Chroma integration to millions of users worldwide. And since its launch at RazerCon last year, it has enabled gamers to customize their desktops with stunning images for ultra-wide and multiple monitors. It has also supported independent artists in reaching out to gamers with their creations. Now, Razer has introduced Razer Axon Create, the next level of the platform. It allows anyone to create their own wallpapers and Chroma effects using Razer’s AI machine-learning technology.

With Razer Axon Create, you can generate unique wallpapers from a simple text prompt. The AI Generation tool is powered by Leonardo.Ai, an advanced generative AI platform that caters to both gamers and artists. You can also use the Chroma Generate function to automatically create vibrant Razer Chroma effects based on the colors of your image. You can re-generate different effect sets until you are happy with the result. Chroma Generate uses AI color-matching to select the most vivid colors for your Chroma effects. Once you are done, you can apply your wallpaper and Chroma effects to your PC desktop instantly. Razer Axon Create is already available to all users to try out.


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