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Android 15's "Notification Cooldown" quiets the chaos

Google recently unveiled the first developer preview for Android 15. While this update doesn't boast a multitude of groundbreaking features, it does introduce one particular functionality that is bound to prove invaluable to many users.

"Notification cooldown" is a standout addition for those diving into Android 15 DP1. This feature addresses the annoyance of being bombarded with notifications from the same app by gradually lowering their volume over successive occurrences. In essence, it offers respite from the onslaught of alerts during busy moments.

To access this feature, navigate to Settings and select Notifications. Scroll down to uncover the Notification cooldown option nestled at the bottom. When you select it, you are presented with three choices:

  • Apply cooldown to all notifications
  • Apply cooldown to conversations
  • Don’t use notification cooldown

This feature is poised to be particularly beneficial for individuals inundated with emails throughout the day, caught in an incessantly active group chat, or experiencing a surge of social media notifications.


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