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YouTube has an Apple Vision Pro app in the works

The Apple Vision Pro App Store made its debut but it was missing some key apps, including Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify. However, YouTube enthusiasts can take heart: the company has confirmed that a YouTube app is part of their roadmap for the Vision Pro. While YouTube gave no specific timeline, it expressed excitement about the launch. And the company assured users that they are committed to providing a great experience in Safari for Vision Pro users for now.

It’s worth noting that YouTube and its parent company, Google, have historically taken their time adopting new Apple features. As a result, the exact arrival date of the YouTube app on the Vision Pro remains uncertain. In the meantime, Apollo developer Christian Selig has stepped in with an alternative solution: an app called “Juno” designed specifically for watching YouTube content on the Vision Pro. 

However, neither Juno nor the web-based YouTube experience currently supports Vision Pro owners in enjoying YouTube’s collection of 360-degree and 3D videos. According to an Apple spokesperson, this limitation exists because the content was created for devices that "do not deliver a high-quality spatial experience."


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