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Garmin steps up smartwatch updates with new nap tracking feature

Photo: Garmin

Garmin has been busy enhancing its smartwatch lineup recently. Following their March 2024 feature announcement, they released new beta firmware for several models, including the Fenix 7 series, which received more extensive updates than the Venu 3 and Vivoactive 5.

But beyond the official announcements, Garmin has quietly introduced a valuable new feature: manual nap tracking within Garmin Connect. This allows users to add naps they may have missed, edit existing entries, or remove inaccurate detections.

It's important to note that nap tracking isn't available on all Garmin smartwatches. This feature debuted with the Venu 3 series launched late last year, which recognized the importance of naps for overall well-being. Currently, it's unclear if Garmin is rolling out nap editing universally or in phases.

To see if you have this new feature, open the Garmin Connect app and navigate to the dedicated naps section.


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