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The future of PlayStation Parties? Sony unveils new PS5 multiplayer invite system

Image: Sony

Forget clunky friend codes and endless username exchanges! Sony is introducing a game-changer for PS5 multiplayer. A new feature arriving later this year lets you invite anyone to join your game, even if they're not on their console or PlayStation app. 

How it works:

  1. Generate a link: Through the PlayStation app, you'll create a unique link that can be shared anywhere online. Think social media, chats, forums—anywhere your gaming crew hangs out.
  2. Click and play: When a friend clicks the link, they'll be whisked directly into your multiplayer session, with no fuss. No PlayStation friends are required—it's open invitation time!
  3. QR code convenience: PS5 veterans will appreciate the option for a QR code alongside the link. Scan it for a quick and easy join.

Sony's even added a custom Discord widget for these invites. It shows if your session is active, saving you from joining a deserted lobby.

Later this year, another tool is coming. It lets you generate a link for your entire PlayStation Network profile, shareable on any app. Think of it as a digital calling card for the PlayStation world.

There are a few caveats though:

  • PS5 games only: This feature is exclusive to PS5 titles, so your PS4 library won't be included (yet).
  • Updates might be needed:  Some games may require an update to ensure smooth integration.
  • PlayStation Plus still needed: Remember, most PS5 online multiplayer requires a PlayStation Plus subscription.


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