
PayPal pushing mobile payment solutions

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

PayPal has gone beyond catering to e-tailers and eBay traders and has managed to cap 2009 by introducing ways to pay via Twitter, smartphones and has provided the payment backbone for BlackBerry’s new App World store.

We interviewed Darrell Macmullin, PayPal Canada’s general manager who gamely demoed some of PayPal’s new directions and discussed the companies’ recently released open-source developer platform.

“There’s a whole new suite of payment APIs for developers to create and embed PayPal in applications. The first companies to sign up for these new APIs were Twitter and Research in Motion,” Darrell explained.

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CES 2010 to go green

The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® today announced major plans to reduce the carbon footprint of the 2010 International CES® through a partnership with EarthEra and the implementation of sustainable and energy efficient solutions. Owned and produced by CEA, the 2010 International CES, the world's largest tradeshow for consumer technology, is scheduled January 7-10, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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OS Shootout: Windows 7 Vs. Apple Snow Leopard

Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla


2009 was a landmark year for desktop operating system upgrades. Apple got the excitement going by introducing Snow Leopard or OS X 10.6 that enhances performance and functionality while actually saving space by trimming off a lot of archaic code. The result is faster startup, shutdown, wake-from-sleep and Time Machine backups.

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Wind Mobile is Canada's newest wireless carrier

By Gadjo C. Sevilla

The Government of Canada has varied a Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) decision regarding Globalive Wireless Management Corp., a Canadian-owned and controlled company. Globalive's Wind Mobile is poised to challenge Canada's wireless provider Rogers, Telus and Bell.

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