Entries in 64 Bit computing (2)


Momentum building for next gen ARM processors with 64-bit capability

ARM, which makes a variety of mobile processors used in smartphones, tablets and low-voltage PCs, is readying for its next generation chips. The company is celebrating the signing of the 50th licensing agreement for its ARMv8-A technology, which includes support for 64-bit computing. A total of 27 companies have signed agreements for the company’s ARMv8-A technology as industry momentum builds for greater compute capability across a wide range of applications. Hit jump for the details.

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Review: Apple 17-inch MacBook Pro with Intel Core i5 processor

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s flagship notebook, the 17-inch MacBook Pro was recently revised alongside the 15-inch model to include long awaited and spanking new Intel i5 processors, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M with 512MB video cards, new 8-9 hour battery and smart, on-demand graphics switching.


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