Entries in acquisition (123)


Amazon targets digital comics market with comiXology purchase

Amazon has already invaded the e-book space through Kindle but it looks like they want to expand into the comic book space with their newest acquisition. Amazon has just bought comiXology, a digital comic book service. While the deal isn’t closed yet, comiXology CEO David Steinberger expresses his approval of the agreement. “Working together, we look to accelerate a new age for comic books and graphic novels,” Steinberger says.

Amazon said they will find a way for Kindle and comiXology to work together as Kindle already offers single issues and graphic novels. The company also plans to retain comiXology’s branding and they will continue to support existing apps.

Source: Engadget


Twitter buys Android lockscreen app maker Cover

Twitter looks to be building its mobile presence with its latest acquisition. The social network has bought the company behind the alternative Android lockscreen Cover. Cover places the apps you use on the lockscreen based on the time of day and your location. We’re not sure what the implications of this sale are at the moment (trying to compete with Facebook Home, perhaps?). The newly acquired company did not say if they will develop the app further as they integrate into Twitter’s team. In the meantime, the app is still available on Google Play Store.


Dropbox buys social reader Readmill

Reading is mostly a solitary affair but Readmill wanted to give readers a space to add notes to help fuel discussion and keep track of relevant or funny quotes as well as important plot points. Dropbox seems to like the idea and has bought Readmill.

According to a post on Readmill’s site: “Our team will be joining Dropbox, where our expertise in reading, collaboration and syncing across devices finds a fitting home. Millions of people use Dropbox to store and share their digital lives, and we believe it’s a strong foundation on which to build the future of reading. We’re delighted to work alongside this talented team and imagine new ways to read together.”

Source: Ubergizmo


Facebook purchases Oculus Rift for $2 billion

Facebook is looking to venture into virtual reality with its latest acquisition—and they aren’t afraid to spend big. Kotaku has just reported that Facebook is buying Oculus Rift for US$2 billion. The deal is expected to be finalized in the second quarter of the year and will be made up of $400 million cash payout and the rest as Facebook shares.

"Mobile is the platform of today, and now we're also getting ready for the platforms of tomorrow," Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says. "Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play and communicate."

Brendan Iribe, co-founder and CEO of Oculus VR says in a PR release. "We believe virtual reality will be heavily defined by social experiences that connect people in magical, new ways. It is a transformative and disruptive technology, that enables the world to experience the impossible, and it's only just the beginning."