Entries in acquisition (123)


Google acquires Timely app developer

We have more acquisition news for you today. For this round, Google has bought company Bitspin. The app developer created alarm clock app Timely for Android. Bitspin posted on their site that Timely “will continue to work as it always has.” Although, we won’t be surprised if Google pulls the plug on the app down the line.

Source: The Next Web


Apple reportedly purchases maker of burst photo app SnappyCam

Apple is rumoured to have bought company SnappyLabs, a one-man app maker of the discontinued SnappyCam app. Before it was taken down from the App Store, the app allows users to take full-quality burst mode photos. Perhaps Apple is looking to develop the burst mode photo capabilities of their devices with the new acquisition.

Source: MacRumors


Google acquires robotics company Boston Dynamics

Google has made its eighth robotics company purchase with Boston Dynamics. The company specializes in bi-pedal and quad-pedal robots such as PETMAN and Big Dog. The companies did not release details of the sale but Boston Dynamics CEO Marc Raibert told the New York Times that despite the deal, the company will continue with its DARPA contracts.


Yahoo! buys Dreamworks’s Ptch app

Ptch, the mobile video startup produced by Dreamworks Animation, has been bought by Yahoo! for an undisclosed amount and will close the app come January 2.  The app lets users remix videos with music and effects and allows other people to access original clips in order to create a mashed up story out of an event or shared experience. Users can download the ptches or save them on the camera roll before the app shuts down.