Entries in Amazon Music (16)


Paid music streaming services to have bigger impact on Billboard charts in 2018

With paid streaming services changing the music landscape, it’s not surprising to us that Billboard is changing its ranking system to reflect this new reality. The streams from paid subscription services like Amazon Music and Apple Music as well as those hybrid paid/ad-supported services like Spotify and SoundCloud will have a bigger influence on Billboard’s charts in 2018.

According to a post on Billboard’s site, “Beginning in 2018, plays occurring on paid subscription-based services (such as Amazon Music and Apple Music) or on the paid subscription tiers of hybrid paid/ad-supported platforms (such as SoundCloud and Spotify) will be given more weight in chart calculations than those plays on pure ad-supported services (such as YouTube) or on the non-paid tiers of hybrid paid/ad-supported services.”


Jay-Z’s ‘4:44’ album makes its way to most streaming services

After a week of Jay-Z’s 4:44 being a Tidal and Sprint exclusive, the new album comes to most major streaming services. We say most as Spotify is missing from the list of services it’s available in. We’re not surprised as the hip-hop mogul pulled his catalog from the service a few months ago. He seems to be in better terms with Apple as 4:44 is available on both iTunes and Apple Music. The album is also available on Google Play Music and Amazon Music. Some of the services even have “The Story of O.J.” animated video.

Source: Engadget


Taylor Swift brings back her catalog to music streaming services

Eva Rinaldi/Flickr

After pulling out her back catalog from music streaming services, Taylor Swift is getting back together with the likes of Spotify, Google Play, and Amazon Music. Her management made the announcement on Twitter saying this was to celebrate the sale of over 10 million copies worldwide of her latest album, 1989. Swift pulled out of streaming services like Spotify because she said they didn’t compensate artists fairly. She had particular trouble with Spotify’s free tier. But now it seems all of that is behind her and her catalog should start showing up at your music streaming service of choice.

Source: The Verge


Prince’s music set to hit streaming service like Spotify starting Sunday

Richard E. Aaron/Redferns

It has been rumoured that Prince’s music will be making its way back to major music streaming services soon. And it looks like it will be happening this weekend. Representatives from the likes of Spotify, Napster, Amazon Music, and iHeartRadio have confirmed that the albums Prince released during his time with Warner Bros., including Purple Rain, The Times, and 1999, will be coming to their services.

When he was alive, Prince has been aggressive about keeping his IP heavily protected. He even pulled out his music from all online streaming services (except for Tidal back in 2015). But now that his estate owes up to US$100 million, there is a need to monetize. So, if you’ve been clamoring to listen to some of Prince’s greatest hits, your time has almost come.

Source: Ars Technica

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