Entries in Android 7.0 (15)


HTC One A9 finally gets Android Nougat update

HTC promised it’ll release Android Nougat update for the One A9 15 days after it released on the Nexus. That promise wasn’t kept but we guess better late than never? It’s been over 140 days since the Android 7.0 came to the Nexus 5X and 6P but finally Nougat update is rolling out to the unlocked version of this mid-range device.

As a reminder, some of the features coming to Nougat include multi-window, better notifications, and revised quick settings, among many others. If you’re an A9 user, keep checking your phone to see if the update already made its way to you. Make sure you have enough battery when updating or keep your device charged while you do so.


Source: Android Police


Android Nougat 7.0 finally coming to Samsung Galaxy S7

The wait is almost over. The Android Nougat 7.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S7 is landing as an over-the-air update in Europe and should be rolling out to more markets soon. For those who’ve joined the beta program, it’s highly likely you’ll be getting the update first when it reaches your market. The update is 215MB in size and comes not just with the Nougat update but with a new UX added in the package and other “performance modes” and improvements. Just keep your eye out for the update to head your way and make sure you have enough battery (or charge your S7) while you update your phone.

Source: BGR


Moto Z get another Nougat update, but it’s not 7.1 build

If you’ve gotten an update on your Moto Z device and think it’s a push to Android 7.1, unfortunately that isn’t the case. It’s a big 540MB update (with build number NPL25.86-17-3) but the build still remains at 7.0. What’s only listed in the update prompt is it has fixed a low volume notification sound issue experienced by users in the past month. But we can’t say what else has been changed specifically to warrant that big of a file. We’re assuming there are a lot of other bug fixes and performance improvements added to it. If you got this update, have you noticed any changes to it? Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

Source: Android Authority


Moto Z and Z Force get Nougat update & Daydream VR support

You should keep your eyes peeled and glued on your screen (okay, not really) but important updates for Moto Z and Moto Z Force users are coming soon. First, Android 7.0 Nougat is coming to both devices. Verizon users will be the first one to get the updated but it should head this way soon. Aside from that, both smartphones will be certified Daydream-compatible, making them the first non-Pixel devices to have the support for Google’s Daydream View VR headset.