Entries in Android TV (19)


The universal search on Android TV now shows Netflix results

Google finally adds a long overdue feature for Android TV: Netflix search results. Now, when you use the universal search function on the set-top box software, you’ll be able to see Netflix cards with background artwork, show or movie poster, and cast information beside that. However, it isn’t clear if there’s a need to update on the Netflix side or it’ll happen in the server side.

Source: @Android Twitter account | Via: The Verge


Twitch comes to Android TV

If you’re a fan of watching game streams, Twitch is bringing the experience to your Android TV. The app lets you watch live and recorded videos of games, players, and sports events. Follow channels and games you want. Check out profile pages and VODs. It even supports high-res video (1080p/60fps) for more HD viewing. The app also gets an integrated chat experience and a Whispers 2.0 update, which lets you check private messages by just selecting the Whispers button within the app.

Source: Twitch | Via: Android Central


Google tipped to unveil Android TV

Google reportedly wants to take another stab at creating its own set top box that won’t be as “ambitious” as its first Google TV. According to documents obtained by The Verge, they want Android TV to be an “entertainment interface, not a computing platform.” It would have a simple user interface to access content easily and come with lightweight apps. It will even have a recommendation system that will give suggested content to you as soon as you power it on. They haven’t specified any launch dates yet but it looks like they are looking for developers to build the apps for it.

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