Entries in Apple Fitness+ (17)


Apple Fitness+ service is coming to Canada before 2020 ends

Apple is taking on services like Peloton with its new fitness service called Fitness+. Canada is one of the first few countries gaining access to Fitness+, which offers different workouts guided by "world-class" trainers. Since Apple makes both the hardware and software, Fitness+ is evidence of how deep integration between its services works.

It adds metrics from your Apple Watch to the device playing your Fitness+ workout, which means you can see your heart rate, calories burned, and the like without having to glance at your wrist. It will even alert you on the screen if you completed a Fitness Ring. The service is accessible through the Fitness app on the iPhone as well as through the new Fitness apps on the iPad and Apple TV. Fitness+ also integrates with Apple Music, allowing users to access and save playlists used during their workouts.

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