Entries in Apple iTunes (19)


VLC to make its comeback again on iTunes next year

It wasn’t really clear why VLC decided to pull its app shortly after iOS 8 was released. Now, it would seem the media player is making a comeback on iTunes App Store in the coming year. Lead developer Felix Paul Kuehne posted on VLC forums that the updated version of the app has been approved by Apple and will be coming back early next year.  There is an existing iTunes Connect holiday shutdown so they can’t post it at the moment. But you just have to wait a bit more and you can get the popular media player app back.

Source: Ubergizmo


‘The Interview’ now also available on iTunes

It was reported that Apple previously refused to release the controversial Sony film on iTunes. Now, the Cupertino-based tech company changed its tune and it now offers The Interview on its digital distribution platform. If you want to get the film through Apple, you can buy it for US$15 or rent it for $6. Or you can put your money to good use and buy a burger and fries.

Source: Ubergzimo


Apple reportedly working on Spotify competitor, iTunes Android app

Apple is tipped to be working with record label executives to build an on-demand streaming music service that can take on the likes of Spotify and thinking of creating an iTunes Store app for Android. A report from Billboard cited three unnamed sources that claim the “exploratory talks” are in its very early stages.

Apple does seem to need to rethink its strategy with iTunes. Nielsen reports downloading on the platform has dropped 13 percent from the week of March 9 and digital track sales are down 11 percent from 2013.

Source: CNET

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