Entries in Apple macOS Big Sur (2)


Time to update your iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch now

Photo by Laurenz Heymann on Unsplash

No, we aren't talking about iOS 15 or any other next-generation operating system upgrade from Apple. But you will need to update your devices to the latest updates to patch up a security flaw in your Apple gadgets. The company has released an emergency update to patch the security flaw that allowed Israel's NSO Group's Pegasus spyware to infect a target's Apple device, including all the devices we've mentioned in the title.

Security researchers from the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab discovered and released a report detailing the exploit. Apple was notified about the exploit on September 7 and worked out that fix until today's release. While you might not be a target of these malicious entities, it's best to update, so you don't leave your gadgets vulnerable.

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Apple macOS Big Sur brings fresh coat of paint, refines desktop experience

Apple's macOS Big Sur or macOS 11 is being touted by the company as its most significant redesign since OS X came out nearly 20 years ago. Announced at WWDC 2020, we get a glimpse at the future of macOS. It seems the company is pushing to unify the design language across its platforms further, and in some ways, seems to be blurring that line further as The Verge mentions.

While the biggest Mac news is that the company will move away from Intel processors with future machines shifting towards the Apple Silicon, we also need to talk about the changes coming to macOS Big Sur, which we will summarize under the cut.

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