Entries in Apple Retail (10)


New Jump+ Store in Kingston Offers Full Line of Apple Products 

Jump+ will open a new store in Kingston, Ontario on Saturday December 3, 2011 at 11:00 am, offering Apple's full line of innovative products including iPad 2, iPhone 4S and the updated MacBook Air. Located at 272 Princess Street, the new Jump+ store gives Kingstonians a great place to learn about and experience the full line of Apple products along with a wide range of accessories.

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Review: Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 4 case

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

As the iPhone gains more features and apps that conveniently make it a communications device, handheld computer, still and video camera and game console; the one aspect that will take a hit is battery life. Having a sealed-in (read: non-user replaceable) battery, means that intrepid iPhone users will need to consider either an external battery or an integrated battery case. Mophie's Juice Pack Air for the iPhone 4 is a lightweight, elegant and smart solution which doubles battery life without adding much bulk.

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