Entries in Mophie Juice Pack Air (2)


Review: Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 4 case

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

As the iPhone gains more features and apps that conveniently make it a communications device, handheld computer, still and video camera and game console; the one aspect that will take a hit is battery life. Having a sealed-in (read: non-user replaceable) battery, means that intrepid iPhone users will need to consider either an external battery or an integrated battery case. Mophie's Juice Pack Air for the iPhone 4 is a lightweight, elegant and smart solution which doubles battery life without adding much bulk.

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Make Mine Mophie Juice Pack Air

Not getting a new iPhone 3G? How about doubling battery life on the old one? Not getting a new iPhone 3G? How about doubling battery life on the old one? As avid iPhone 3G users we often wonder why our battery life seems to deplete during a day of relatively light usage. We use 3G, yes, but have Bluetooth and location services turned off unless we really need them. The idea of having a technician crack open our iPhone to replace the lithium-ion battery which is likely to be just as sucky in a year's time. There are some great solutions for external battery packs for the iPhone 3G but while these add ons have flashlights and even speakers - they seem to bloat the iPhone 3G's size. Mophie's Juice Pack Air, on the other hand, offers the functionality of a protective case but also adds a 1200 mAh capacity battery that all but doubles your iPhone 3G's battery life. Mophie is no stranger to making iPhone and iPod battery solutions. Their juice pack line for iPhones have been boosting battery life since the first revision of the iPhone. The Juice Pack Air brings this technology and pares down the dimensions to an acceptable size while maintaining great additional battery life. For users who detest charging their iPhones or who are looking at long-haul flights or weekend camping trips -now have the backup battery capacity for twice the battery life. The Mophie Juice Pack Air fits iPhone 3G's snugly but cover the accessory chariging cable (which is unfortunate for those who want to use external accessories and connectors. Mophie does offer a proprietary sync-cable which is a USB 2.0 powered connector for charging and synching. The Mophie battery can be enabled via a small switch in the bottom of the device which feeds power to the iPhone and begins to charge it until it is full. The idea is simple, convenient and works great. Currently available in Apple's retail stores, the Mophie Juice Pack Air is selling like crazy. We were able to get a unit from Apple Eaton Center Store but were told that they are in short supply. A quick visit to Mophie's website confirms that users will need to wait a few weeks for stock to be replenished. Check back for our long term test on the Mophie Juice Pack Air for the iPhone 3G in the coming days.

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