Entries in Apps (101)


PayPal mobile payment app now available on most platforms

It is rare to see a service really branch out and make itself available to more than just iOS and Android. PayPal has made the latest version of its mobile app available to for Windows Phone and even the super new, super rare Fire OS (US only) as well. 

The new versions of the PayPal app allows  users to view transaction histories, track payments, send money, request payments, and see all major account activities directly on their phones or tablets. 

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Apple Watch will be able to control Tesla cars remotely

Owners of Tesla's high-tech electric cars will be able to control various aspects of their vehicles remotely using the Apple Watch and companion app. The app allows navigation and control via multiple screens to monitor the Tesla's battery life and remaining range, track the car's location, lock and unlock the doors, sound the horn, operate the lights, open and close the sunroof and adjust passenger and driver temperatures. While still in beta, the app should be ready to give Tesla owners Bond-like control of their cars by the time Apple Watch ships in April.

Source: CNet


The Recitator iOS app reads content for you, so you don't have to

Do you have a pile of text to read? Recitator is an iOS app that takes your ebooks, pdfs and text files and reads them to you.

Recitator also saves the last text position. The next time you open a document you can continue listening at the same position. The app speaks EPUB, PDF and TXT files. You can use iTunes File Sharing or Dropbox to transfer the files.

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Review: Kurio Extreme Tablet for Kids 

By Sonya Davidson

As parents, how often do we hear our kids asking for our devices? My husband cringes at the thought of our younger one getting his sticky little hands on any of our devices for fear of dropping them or accidentally deleting apps and what not. I'm sure you've been there. 

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