Entries in Arrested Development (2)


‘Remixed’ version of ‘Arrested Development’ season 4 drops on Netflix on May 4

Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz announced in 2014 that he was going to recut the show after the fourth season made its Netflix debut in 2013. The original structure of the season has each episode focused on one character. Hurwitz has “remixed” this version that intercuts all the characters’ stories chronologically. And has lengthened the 15-episode season into a shorter 22-episode season with 20-minute long episodes that create a more “interwoven” narrative than the original. And after four long years, this new version is coming to Netflix tomorrow, May 4. As for Season 5, it’s “right around the wall,” according to Arrested Development’s official Twitter account.

Source: The Verge


Return of the Bluths: Arrested Development Season 4 comes to Netflix on May 26

15 brand new episodes of the revived Arrested Development series now exclusive to Netflix will be available on May 26. The fourth Netflix produced series after Lilyhammer, House of Cards and Hemlock Grove, Arrested Development is the only one with a pre-existing fan base and years and years of pent up demand for more from the quirky Bluth family and is said to lead into a possible full-length movie.