Entries in Avengers: Infinity War (14)


Tom Holland ‘leaks’ first ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ poster

Whether this was a leak or not, we have to say it’s a clever marketing ploy from the Marvel Studios team. Our new Spider-Man, Tom Holland, went live on Instagram Story earlier today to “unbox” a slim package he got from the Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo. In it was supposedly the first poster of the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War and a note from Ruffalo written at the back of a confidential notice from Marvel. Holland quickly ended the Instagram Story in a panic. But with the video still up on his page, we’re willing to guess this was all planned. You can get a closer look at the poster after the jump.

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Marvel isn’t splitting ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ into two films


Marvel is finally hearing our gripes about this whole two-part movie trend that has been happening since Harry Potter decided to split its final film into a two-part film. The upcoming Avengers film will still be coming out on May 4, 2018 and May 3, 2019 but it won’t be two parts of the same story. The film coming out in 2018 will still be Avengers: Infinity War but the second film drops the Infinity War – Part II moniker. We don’t know yet what it’ll be called (right now it's just Avengers Untitled) but we’re relieved that it won’t be just the continuation of what is in Infinity War. Of course, knowing Marvel there will be a central story running through them. But we welcome the change.

Source: The Verge

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